MOU ndërmjet DPPI dhe Zyrës së Pronësisë Industriale të Republikës Çeke

MOU between DPPI and the State Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova

MOU between DPPI and the State Agency for Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova

MOU between DPPI and the European Union Office

MOU between DPPI and the Hellenic Industrial Property Organization

MOU between DPPI and the Patent and Registration Office of Finland

MOU between DPPI and the Turkish Patent Institute

MOU between DPPI and the State Authority for Industrial Property of the Republic of North Macedonia

MOU ndërmjet DPMP dhe Zyrës për Harmonizimin e Tregut të Brendshëm

Marrëveshje për punën ndërmjet Organizatës Europiane të Patentave dhe Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Pronësisë Industriale të Republikës së Shqipërisë për Bashkëpunim për Kërkimin

Cooperation Agreement between the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Intellectual Property Office of Hungary and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Polish Patent Office and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the State Office for Industrial Property of the Republic of North Macedonia and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Agency for Industrial Property of the Republic of Kosovo and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Intellectual Property Office of the Republic of Serbia and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between DPPI and the European Patent Office (EPO) and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Austrian Patent Office and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the Swiss Confederation and the Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement DPPI - China

Cooperation Agreement between the Polish Patent Office and the General Directorate of Industrial Property of the Republic of Albania

Cooperation Agreement between the World Intellectual Property Organization, the General Directorate of Industrial Property, and the School of Magistrates