Information about the General Directorate of Industrial Property

The General Directorate of Industrial Property is the institution responsible by law for the registration, management, and promotion of industrial property objects, a duty that arises from the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, from the Organic Law No. 9947, dated 07/07/2008, “On Industrial Property,” as amended, Article 189, as well as from strategic documents such as the Stabilization and Association Agreement in its Article 73, “Intellectual Property.”

The DPPI is the only institution through which the Albanian state grants rights over patents for inventions and utility models, the topography of semiconductor products, trademarks and service marks, industrial designs, and geographical indications, by recognizing the holders' ownership of these objects through their registration.

The DPPI plays the role of coordinator for Chapter VII, 'Intellectual Property,' where it also reports to the Stabilization and Association Committee, the Subcommittee on Internal Market and Competition, as well as to the European Union Delegation on the progress and activities carried out in fulfillment of the obligations outlined in strategic documents.

Thus, DPPI is the coordinating institution for all important strategic documents of the international party and beyond.

Organet drejtuese:

Organe të tjera të DPPI:

The General Directorate of Industrial Property ensures the granting and protection of these Industrial Property objects:

The Trademark Registration Office has been operating within the Chamber of Commerce of Albania since 1957. With Law No. 7819, the activities of the Chamber of Commerce were transferred to the Patent and Trademark Office, which was established by Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 135, dated March 22, 1993. Today, the General Directorate of Industrial Property is a public institution under the Ministry of Economy, Culture, and Innovation. Its activities are defined and regulated by Law No. 9947, dated 07/07/2008, "On Industrial Property," as amended.

The protection of the Industrial Property system in the Republic of Albania is based on national legislation as well as international treaties and conventions to which the Republic of Albania is a member.

Main Activities:
