Nënshkruhet Memorandumi i Bashkëpunimit Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Pronësisë Industriale dhe Dhomës Kombëtare të Ndërmjetësve
The Memorandum of Cooperation is signed between the General Directorate of Industrial Property and the National Chamber of Intermediaries.
The General Director of DPPI, Ms. Ledina Beqiraj, signed the Memorandum of Cooperation between the General Directorate of Industrial Property and the National Chamber of Intermediaries, represented by Ms. Drita Avdyli, in her capacity as the Chairwoman of the Chamber.
The main objective of signing this cooperation document is to identify mechanisms and modalities for disseminating information related to industrial property rights. In cooperation with intermediaries in the National Chamber of Intermediaries, the aim is to provide the necessary information to entities/businesses and/or various users of industrial property. Organizing joint activities, internships, practical training, or meetings to provide practical knowledge on industrial property issues, as well as the mutual exchange of information between the two institutions, will be the main pillars of the cooperation.